
Sochacki Park Water Quality Improvement Project

Robbinsdale and Golden Valley

Project Number: BC-14

Project Status   |  Active

A feasibility study for this project was approved in September 2023. A hearing on the project was also held in September with no comments from the public. Following the public hearing the project was officially ordered. Project design and construction is being coordinated by Three Rivers Park District. Project design began in summer 2024 with testing of the soil in various locations to measure potential soil contamination through a "Phase II Environmental Assessment." Results of that work will be available later in 2024. Construction is slated for 2025.

Project Funding   |   Grant Funded

Funding for this project is slated to come from multiple sources including up to $600,000 of BCWMC Capital Improvement Program funds. These funds are collected from taxpayers across the whole watersheds. Additionally, Three Rivers Park District received more than $1.6 million in Federal Community Project Funding for this project, sponsored by Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. The Park District and the cities of Golden Valley and Robbinsdale may provide additional funding.

Project Description

This project in the cities of Robbinsdale and Golden Valley will reduce total phosphorus by approximately 68 lbs/year, improving water quality within MnDNR protected wetlands (Grimes Pond, South Rice Pond, and North Rice Pond) and Bassett Creek, reducing chronic erosion and sedimentation, improving aquatic vegetation, enhancing buffers and wildlife habitat, and improving recreation and educational opportunities. This is a joint project with multiple partners and multiple funding sources. BMP recommendations are based on a subwatershed assessment completed in 2022. Project components include:

Structural Best Management Practices:– Construction of two new stormwater ponds, expansion of an existing stormwater pond, and filtration system in South Halifax Park– Clear debris from stormwater pipe inlets/outlets, remove sediment deposits, stabilize erosion

In-pond Best Management Practices to reduce internal phosphorus loading in the wetlands– Conduct water level drawdowns—control invasive species, shift to floating plant dominance – Areal alum applications in wetlands

Revegetate and control soil erosion in upland areas

Enhance street sweeping in untreated watersheds

Public wetlands within this highly-used regional park are ecologically degraded, negatively impacting Bassett Creek which is impaired for biota. Wetlands do not meet the subwatershed assessment study goals for total phosphorus (concentration of 75 μg/L), chlorophyll a (concentration of 40 μg/L), or secchi disk transparency (1 meter). This project seeks to protect and improve DNR wetlands and Bassett Creek with a holistic approach while enhancing existing and planned nature-based programming in the park. Partners include the cities of Robbinsdale and Golden Valley, Three Rivers Park District (TRPD), MnDNR, and potentially others.

Project Announcements

Watch for announcements and input opportunities in during project design in 2024. Contact laura.jester@keystonewaters.com for additional information. Learn more about Sochacki Park here.

 Detailed project map

More Information

Presentation of Feasibility Study (September 2023)

Final feasibility study - approved September 2023 (Appendices)

This project is based off findings in the Sochacki Park Subwatershed Assessment