The full meeting packet is available here but does not include the 50% Design Plans for 2015 Main Stem Restoration Project(item 6B), Table 1 - BCWMC's Proposed CIP 2017-2021 (item 6Di), the Recommended 2015 BCWMC Education and Outreach Budget and Work Plan (item 6Ei.), the invoices (linked below in item 4) or the Information Only items (linked below in item 8). The meeting materials are also available below as PDFs of the individual agenda items:
1. Call to Order
2. Citizen Forum on Non-Agenda Items - Citizens may address the Commission about any item not on the agenda. A maximum of 15 minutes is allowed for the Forum. If the full 15 minutes are not needed for the Forum, the Commission will continue with the agenda. The Commission will take no official action on the items discussed at the Forum, with the exception of referral to staff or a Committee for a recommendation to be brought back to the Commission for discussion/action.
3-Approval of Agenda
-March 19, 2015, Meeting Agenda
4. Consent Agenda
4A-Approval of Minutes of February 19, 2015, Commission Meeting
4B-Approval of Revised FY2014 Year-End Financial Report (Feb. 1, 2014 - Jan. 31, 2015)
4C-Approval of March 2015 Financial Report
4C-Approval of Payment of Invoices
4Di. Keystone Waters, LLC – February 2015 Administrator Services
4Dii. Barr Engineering Company – Engineering Services through February 27, 2015
4Diii. Secretarial Services through February 28, 2015
4Div. ACE Catering - March 2015 Meeting Refreshments
4Dv. Wenck - February 2015 WOMP Monitoring
4Dvi. Hamline University - Metro Watershed Partnership 2015 Media Campaign Donation
4Dvii. ECM Publishers - Public Notice Publication
4Dviii. MMKR - Financial Audit
4Dvix. Finance & Commerce - Public Notice Publication
4F. Appointment of Commissioner Ginny Black to Budget Committee and Administrative Services
4G. Set Public Hearing on 2015 BCWMC Watershed Management Plan for May 21, 2015
4H. Set TAC Meeting for April 2, 2015
5. Public Hearing
A. Receive Comments from Public on Major Plan Amendment (see Plan Amendment page):
i. Revising the Northwood Lake Water Quality Improvement Project (NL-1) in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) from the construction of two stormwater ponds (NB-35A, B, C and NB-29A, B) to the construction of one pond just upstream (west) of Northwood Lake and the construction of a stormwater reuse system with bioretention basins in Northwood Park near the east end of the lake.
ii. Adding to the CIP the Honeywell Pond Expansion Project (BC-4) to provide stormwater quantity and water quality improvements, divert the currently untreated stormwater to the pond, and provide opportunities for reuse of water from the pond.
6. Business
A. Receive Update on Comments and Responses for Draft Watershed Management Plan
B. Consider Approval of 50% Design Plans for 2015 Main Stem Restoration Project (CR2015)
-Engineer's Memo
-50% Design Plans
C.Consider Approval of Twin Lake In-Lake Alum Treatment Project Plans (TW-2)
D. Consider Approval of Technical Advisory Committee Recommendations
i. 2017-2021 Capital Improvement Program
ii. XP-SWMM Phase II
iii. Communication Protocols Among Commission, Cities, and Developers
E. Consider Approval of Education Committee Recommendations
i. Approval of 2015 Education and Outreach Budget and Work Plan
ii. Approval to Execute Contract with University of Minnesota to Participate in 2015 Non-point Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) Program Pending Approval by Commission Legal Counsel
iii. Approval to Develop and Execute Contract with HDR for Website Redesign Project
7. Communications
A. Administrator: Administrator's Report
B. Chair
C. Commissioners
i. Report on Road Salt Symposium, Commissioner Tobelmann
D. TAC Members
E. Committees
F. Legal Counsel
G. Engineer
8. Information Only (Information is online only)
A. CIP Project Update
B. Grant Tracking Summary and Spreadsheet
C. Metro Watershed Partners and Clean Water MN 2014 Report
9. Adjournment